Here is an unfinished January Sweater - after these pictures were taken and I saw what it looked like in all its glory, I decided it could be cuter. So modifications are being undertaken. The buttons are removed and the length has been shortened by a full repeat of the lace pattern. This last was due to the sweater making my butt look big. O wait....i don't think it's the sweater's fault.I think smaller buttons and having them down the entire length of the button band will improve things. Decisions, decisions...
You know how something keeps popping up? First I heard Vampire Weekend on NPR World Cafe, then I saw there were free downloads of some of their songs at Daytrotter, now youtube has them as a featured video....are they following me?
You have got to check out today's VSL recommendation. These photograph's are incredible.
my new stove arrived. is beautiful - and it works! a miracle
I got packages in the mail yesterday from my mum, full of goodies. yay! my mum is the best
Cat Power's new album was released yesterday - Jukebox I downloaded it straight from itunes, a whole dollar cheaper than Amazon ( a DEAL!, justification rears its ugly head.)
What is happening here? Much tax paperwork, a little hanging out with friends, two movies and a broken kitchen stove - that about covers it.
Watched I Am Legend last week and thought it was okay but not epic. My friend Liz had her eyes closed most the second half. Honestly *spoilers here (um, not very much spoiled)* if the zombies had looked more like real people I might have been more interested, they looked a little too much like Gollum. When he's in the dark with the zombies (before you get a glimpse, so you don't know what's in there......) it was the most unnerving. That and seeing a completely deserted city. spooky.
Then last night, we went and saw Enchanted, and it was rather enchanting. you know, for a kids movie.
In other news:
My new oven (yay) is to be delivered tomorrow. I love my Ipod Touch and if you get these little nifty protective films for the screen voila! no scatches. (so there) Knitting was at a standstill due to my back/shoulder/entirerightarmgoingnumb issue, but it recommenced this weekend and a new sweater is in the works - I'm all kinds of excited about it since it is basically made up of two completely different sweaters and my imagination all in dark grape colored bulky wool. could be fabulous, could be hideous, but either way it will be referred to as my January sweater until a better name comes along.
Everyone is away at CPR/First Aid training this afternoon, nothing else is open due to MLK day so I am goofing off today and in honor of this here is a video for you
I am completely uninterested in being here at work. This is what happens when no one wants to work a week prior to, during or after the holidays and you have become accustomed to doing whatever the hell you want, whenever the hell you feel like doing it. Mostly this included sleeping, eating, watching movies and knitting. Although, this apparently can be dangerous. So instead of staying home with my shoulder on a heating pad (yes, I am 'seized' up again) eating graham crackers with nutella and watching TCM, I am semi-working in between more important things. Like loading all my cds into itunes to prepare for my new Ipod Touch (DO NOT RAIN ON MY PARADE, THERE IS TO BE NO CRITICIZING MY NEW TOY), (who knew I had so many Cure Cds? I certainly didn't), checking the weather (yes, it really is freaking cold), and dreaming about vacation (hmmm......) Jen, here is the clip I promised, of course not as funny as Business Time, but then what is?
I am still alive.You were wondering, weren't you? I really did not mean to take such an extended hiatus, but I really felt as though I had nothing to say. Not that anything has changed......
My vacation countdown has commenced on the side bar to the right. Read it and weep. Speaking of reading - if anyone has vacation reading suggestions I would be eternally grateful. Of course, there is a mountain of books waiting for me next to my bed - but new books are so very exciting.
Knitting has begun and continues on Roam.... The body is complete (except for hood) and just started on the arms. No pictures as yet. I'm not too excited about this sweater - I didn't have any money to buy new yarn so I'm using up what I got. Hopefully I will have enough to finish. (eek). I finished the February baby sweater from Knitting Almanac. It is lovely to me.... It is for a little girl named Jade Isabelle expected to arrive to a friend soon.