

deep thoughts thought last night in a haze of ibuprofen while hugging a heating pad to my strangely shifted collarbone watching TV:
1. How come Bing Crosby is never around to sing to me when I can't get to sleep? O that's right, I would probably find it creepy/awkward.
2. Coraline looks really cool.........
3. How do you make/spell Vin-da-loo?
4. What is cooler than Futurama?

and today.....I can't top any of those deep thoughts, other than I think I need to work on developing a meaningful relationship besides the close, personal attachment I feel towards my heating pad.
I'll get right on that when my Chiropractor returns from vacation.

this is pretty funny



I found this amusing :
Flow Charts
Probably because I once worked for a company that so loved Flow charts that their 2 huge operation manuals consisted exclusively of them. I can affirm that flow charts lead to hate and drink.

So on a slightly, but not really related note:
What to Drink When a Love Affair is Over
The link between the cloister and the cellar is well established. That monks often brew rather than brood over lost love has enriched society’s spiritual well-being at least as much as their prayers of intercession.



I've been playing around with Poladroid.............. I think I'm having entirely too much fun.
And just because:



Well, did you know John Cleese will be in the upcoming remake The Day the Earth Stood Still? Which I am now super excited about since I found out it has Mr. Cleese. Also, I'm thinking Keanu Reeves as an alien might work, of course, only as long as he is playing a very stoical alien.
Here is a clip to get us in the proper Cleese frame of mind:

And another thing...
Have you ever seen this magazine, Saudi Aramco World?
I forget how I ended up subscribing (it's FREE! yay!), I have to say the pictures are pretty amazing. This issue had the most amazing looking chocolate.... and they sent me a free non-cheesy calendar that I will actually use. Do you know how rare that is?



It is official, the diagonal jacket and I have come to a parting of ways. Let me demonstrate (please forgive my late at night, yellow bathroom pictures, it is the only room with adequate lighting this time of year.).
Here is the front. Knit on the diagonal, striped with some additional color thrown in for good measure: Here is the back, completely plain: Here are the completely mental, bobbled/chicken pox short sleeves (with partial bonus view of other elements):This sweater is delusional and suffering from an extreme identity crisis. Why on earth did I think this was a good idea? Oh, that's right, this is the only picture they show of the pattern:Really small, dark, with NO VIEW OF THE BACK.



I am plugging away at the Diagonal Jacket. I know it may be picky of me - especially now that I am over halfway done - the front is diagonally striped in multiple colors and stitch patterns but the back is completely plain. This leads me to suspect the sweater is suffering from multiple personality disorder. Is this weird? I have a sneaking suspicion that I will not get as far as inserting the zipper.......why go to all that trouble for a sweater that could potentially turn on me?