
I ran across the Black Cab Sessions again. Their tagline is ONE SONG. ONE TAKE. ONE CAB.
Here is the Spoon session, it was hard to pick just one ...


There is a giveaway in progress for Neil Gaiman's new book scheduled for release September 30th, 2008. For more information: visit fashion-piranha.livejournal.com/23000.html

In completely unrelated news: knitting posts have been missing lately. This hasn't been for a recent lack of knitting but more to do with certain comments (you know who you are). I am pleased to say that I finished this sweater about a week ago and another lovely sweater is drying right now - it only needs a finished neckline and some buttons. Next up? Well, I thought maybe this or perhaps this.
Any thoughts?

This was rather amusing


Look at this and try to convince me that pixar didn't rip off the look of the old woman for all their old men characters.....

for comparison...


this made my day much cheerier.......