
My weekend was very productive, which is a sign that spring IS almost here (despite the fact it is snowing and has been all weekend). As the days lengthen I am less inclined to spend every waking hour on my backside watching movies.
This week I salvaged cedar tongue and groove boards in odd sizes (from my Boss' ongoing construction project that involves pounding hammers and buzzing chopsaws mere inches from my office) and saturday afternoon I started piecing them together according to sizes and shapes for some raised garden beds - a giant jigsaw puzzle involving cedar splinters, how fun is that?
Sunday afternoon a friend brought Home-Brew supplies over and helped me mix up a batch of Stout that is now bubbling in my Kitchen. Now that I've actually started reading about this wonderous process (I love the internet!) - apparently table sugar is a no no, which he uses; and you are supposed to use special soap, which he doesn't; your water is supposed to be boiled to remove chlorine, he didn't; and a myriad of other factors, explaining why I suppose I've never cared for his homebrew. I know it is illogical to learn brewing from someone whose beer you don't like but if you get the gist of it I'm assuming it's easier than going at it cold turkey. He took the can of Coopers Stout mix and halfed it into the 5 gallon glass carboy. Is this going to give me diluted beer? UGH
Well you never know til you try................


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope your friend is not a "lurker"(is that the right term?)
or this is going to be super weird.

3/21/2006 11:14 AM  
Blogger gunter said...

hopefully not computer literate

3/21/2006 1:54 PM  

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