
barely breathing

I'm really still here, just wheezing a bit.
Came down with the mother of all colds and even knitting is adversely affected. The top previously posted that the website brags can be completed in a weekend is still eluding me. First of all i completed the front, however the yarn skeins are each so varied that the bottom was washed out and the top DARK, DARK brown. very wrong. After ripping it back and starting a different skein i read the yarn tag which (duh) says to alternate every second row with separate skein to achieve a more graduated effect. brilliant idea if i had bothered to read all the info. any way now, after more misreading of the VERY simple pattern and ripping back to fix errors, i almost have a whole top. missed lots of work and i don't even have a whole TINY sweater top on massive #9 needles to show for it. pathetic.....
Was tagged by gay to write 7 random things, but was in too much of a fog to comply. Will try and attempt it now.
  1. i have never been able to tolerate avocados, bananas, or canned tomatoes. it can't just be the texture since the flavors are disgusting to me as well. don't know why, i'm sure they're perfectly lovely foods....
  2. on days off (not that i have many of those) i like to get up really early.
  3. i think brad pitt is kinda weird looking
  4. tapioca pudding is one of my favorite comfort foods
  5. i have never liked poetry (yes, i am shallow).
  6. i like to sleep face down in my pillow, this tends to freak people out.
  7. i don't like dahlias
Watched Cat on a Hot Tin Roof yesterday. why does Paul Newman have to be so hot?
Caught up on shows.
Saw the last episode of Veronica Mars, sniff, sniff... (that is not the cold talking, i love that show)

suffered through American Idol last night - probally THE most boring show in history - the roomates are addicted to it. the upside is that idol is over for another year and the roomates said 6/1 is their rental date, no more boring TV, YAY!
Was it just me or did Grey's Anatomy suck? This is what should have happened:
Christina - should have gone jihad against the rapist who violated her eyebrows. Callie should have pulled a gun and shot George and then turned it on herself - (George who i used to be fond of until they completely rewrote his personality and then turned him into a dull adulterer) Meredith then walked up the aisle and announced 'Derrick is an idiot' and sucker punched him in the stomach, at which point he realized 'Hey, i am an idiot' and they are okay again. Burke is tragically hit by a passing automobile leaving the church and lapses into a coma. The nazi is named chief resident at the hospital. Izzie realizes she is really too good for all this crap and leads a happy, purpose filled life full of surgery, and late at night prowls the city streets, fighting crime and wearing hot go-go boots. Christina pulls Burkes plug cause it really is the kindest thing to do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did you have to kill off all my favorite characters

5/24/2007 10:55 AM  

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