
Weekend Wrap-up

Well.....did not make it off island friday night due to fog. was seriously cranky at the thought of possibly missing Cake concert Saturday night. booked early flight saturday a.m., woke up to even thicker fog, sweet talked the airline rep over the phone into changing my flight to 3:p.m. and the fog disappeared around 1:p.m. YAY! Went with sisters and friends to see Cake - which was everything i thought it could be and more. Red haired friend behaved very well and did not remove his shirt and jump barricades. Alas, i took not one picture.
We went and stayed over at my sister's friends house and slept in, then Jen made fabulous breakfast - which i consumed enough for three people (hey! concerts are hard work). and we watched movies and DID NOTHING. it was very good. Watched Disturbia, which was actually kinda disturbing. then i flew home, end of weekend. Here are some gratuitous shots of my newly scrubbed/stained (as of yesterday) deck. These were taken around 9:30 p.m., you've just gotta love all the light. and this is the spawn of Satan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes it is

8/17/2007 1:12 PM  

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